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August 2020

Kiaora and apologies for the length of time between updates but as for all people in the world, we are still living in very uncertain times. Whilst many parts of the world are being ravaged by Covid -19, Liwonde remains relatively virus-free. The official line from the current government is as follows 5240 reported cases, 2857 recovered 164 deaths. Whether or not you believe these figures (and their accuracy would have to be debated) our community in Liwonde appears at present to have been spared from the virus and we can only hope it remains this way. As a result of the current figures, the government announced yesterday that all schools will open in September and the preschool will be returning on the same day. Regina will continue to monitor the situation and has spent the last few weeks both educating on personal hygiene, purchasing and supplying the local community with sanitizer and face masks. Below are pictures of the kids receiving health packs and being taught how to survive in a Covid -19 world

As unfortunately happens far too often in Malawi, Mphatikizo is mourning the loss of two young people from our community. Pempeto was a young man whom we sponsored through Teachers Training College some years ago, originating from Mtubwi he was orphaned at a very young age and came into our sponsorship when he was 11. At the age of 25 Pempeto was working as a teacher in a nearby community and was killed in a Motorcycle accident. A tragic waste of a very talented young man. The other was Farida Samu a young girl also from Mtubwi. Farida passed away aged 5 from complications together with the effects of prolonged exposure to malnutrition. An incredibly sad and all to common story here in Malawi which could have been prevented so easily. I feel both as a community and as Mphatikizo we have failed badly with Farida and that her death should never have happened. Regina and I should have been aware of her home situation as we are in a position where we can affect outcomes such as this. Farida’s passing has affected our whole community a great deal and we need to work harder to make sure this does not happen. I will finish this update here with a huge thankyou to all of you who have continued to support us through what are for many uncertain times. With the sadness at the passing of little Farida should also come the happiness gained from all those you help every day. Please stay safe and I promise the next update will arrive in a more timely fashion.

We continue to help and support the lives of many in rural Malawi which would not have been possible without you. Much love and hugs from the Smedley Tribe.